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Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Being a Good Listener is Key




Do you consider yourself a good listener? Would your friends or your partner say that you are a good listener? During my lifetime, I have discovered that it's not easy to be a good listener or to find someone who is genuinely interested in what you may have to say. Many people will hear the first couple of sentences and immediately change the subject to be about their personal experience without understanding what is being said. My favourite daily lessons is being able to observe how people interact with each other, even during COVID-19 more than ever. It appears to be even harder than ever before to find someone with all the skills of being a good listener.


Throughout my entire life, listening was taught as the most important skill to possess in order to survive. I didn't understand it at the time, but I as I became older it made perfect sense. Remember when your mother or father would ask you to do something, but you may have been watching a program on the television and responded with okay, but never moved away from the television? There was always something about the third threatening yell to get you moving. It was enough to make you listen and move quickly to avoid a spanking. Often my mother reminded me of Sergeant Carter from Gomer Pyle the way she would drill us to see if we were listening to everything she demanded. Often, she would switch the script and make up a story to see if we were following along. For me, I thought of it as a fun game to listen to every detail without interrupting and provide her with a play by play of the events. I became very good at it.


Being in a Stage-4 lockdown and under a curfew between 8p and 5A, and wearing a mask whenever you leave the house, makes it difficult for everyone to be a good listener during a time that it's extremely important to listen and to hear what the customer wants, the client needs, or what struggles a friend may be going through at this time. It's the same as being in a relationship that may already be under some strain, but nevertheless being a good listener rises to the top of the list. Let's face it, many of us have been taught to not listen for more than 20 seconds of what someone is saying because they are taking too long and it's easier to hijack the conversation by saying something like, "Hey, that reminds me of something that I went through a couple of years ago." That voice alone steals the moment and shuts down someone who trusted you to listen. Believe me, they won't trust you again to share anything because of the lack of patience and the excitement about responding without giving it your full attention and truly listening to what is being said and hearing what is needed.


A couple of weeks ago I was standing in line to get into a local bakery for coffee scrolls because they are delicious. Usually I talk to all the staff when I am in there but talking through a mask and sweating makes it more difficult for everyone. Once it was my turn to be served, I looked at the young man that has waited on me before and I said, hello can I have 6 coffee scrolls please. He wasn't responding until I looked into his eyes and he slowly said, "How are you today and how was your weekend?" I was stunned for a moment. It forced me to relax and take a deep breath because he refused to move forward until I responded how my day was going and if I had a great weekend, and he listened. Then I responded, how was your weekend and he took the time to tell me. I discovered the old me, even asking a few questions about his surfing and how often did he surf. He loved it and it reminded me of my active listening skills and the need to use them more.


As I walk around the neighbourhood that has been a very friendly community, I am noticing that people are less friendly than before. A lot of it is that you can't see if anyone is smiling or happy because they are covered up with masks, caps or hoodies because it's a bit chilly or dark glasses if it's a sunny day. What I enjoy most about COVID is that it pushes you right out of your comfort zone and forces you to create a new norm that right for you. My partner knows how to move his eyebrows up and down to show that he is smiling or laughing or showing some facial emotion. My brows don't move at all and the mask covers most of my face. If I put on my dark glasses, they are usually fogged up from breathing in the mask. If I put on a cap, forget it, no one would recognise me at all. I could easily be Danny DeVito, Whoopi Goldberg, Denzel Washington, or Barack Obama. It would be hilarious if it wasn't so real. I am still working through the kinks of getting my hearing and speaking in sync so I can better understand people, as well as myself. 


Through my various walks of life, I have found that very few people possess good active listening skills because they have never been taught them or it's not something that they feel is necessary. When I worked for organisations, I was always amused how most managers and directors lacked good active listening skills. Staff would line up to open their hearts to share difficult stories and issues happening in the workplace. I would watch managers cut them off in the middle of their story, turn the presentation into their own story, continue checking their mobile devices for text messages or emails and give their opinion of what the staff person should do although the response never made any sense because they were not listening. It was no surprise to me when all of the great staff people seeking help would leave the organisation due to the lack of support as a result of the inability to listen and to hear what was happening. It occurred over and over again.


But working in my own business was very different. If you truly open yourself up to receive lessons from life, you may be amazed by the results. In working with public relations and marketing clients, active listening was a key ingredient in assisting my clients to be successful on every level. Active listening was that main ingredient. Every meeting started with listening to what the client wanted to achieve, also hearing all the non-verbal messages that the clients were sharing through their body or non-verbal language. Being an active listener taught me to be extremely sensitive and aware to everything happening in the life of my clients. They were always overwhelmed when I summarised the conversation and included their non-verbal messages.


For years I wondered why many people were not good listeners. Sitting quietly with yourself can unveil so much information. When you are quiet with yourself you can hear so much more. Most people, without their knowledge, are trained to respond and not to listen to an entire conversation. We are taught to hijack any conversation and redirect to our own story, give unwanted recommendation or prescribe the problem with solutions that worked for us. Trust me, this is the fastest way to lose credibility and trust with a friend, a co-worker, a client, spouse or partner. It shouts loud and clear that I am not listening to you because I know what you need to do and listen to my story because I have the solution. It's the biggest mistake ever.


According to Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen, author of Kitchen Table Wisdom, “The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to listen. Just listen. Perhaps the most important thing we ever give each other is our attention." Being in a relationship with someone who doesn't listen to hear what you may not be saying can be the most difficult and frustrating or if they are ready to diagnose your problem when you aren't asking for a prescription. 


So, what are the ingredients to be an active and alert listener to friends, family members, partners, co-workers and clients? Active listening involves the listener observing the speaker's behaviour and body language. Having the ability to interpret a person's body language lets the listener develop a more accurate understanding of the speaker's message. Often when I am listening to friends share a heart wrenching story, I often paraphrase their words to make sure that I am hearing correctly what they just shared with me. It's good to know that often many people are just looking for someone to listen to the struggles they are dealing with today. Usually, they are not looking for the listener to give them a solution or to take charge and tell them what the problem is and how they should move forward.


Genuinely listening to someone involves being neutral and non-judgmental about what they are saying. Try to be patient and allow for periods of silence while the person is organising their thoughts. It makes a big difference to show signs that you are listening such as smiling, maintaining eye contact, leaning into the conversation or even nodding your head to show that you understand. In one of my roles as Communications Consultant in a public health setting, I was assigned to attend a rather vicious press briefing with my Medical Director and anti-vaxxers with a goal to attack and defend their rights not to allow their children to receive vaccines. It was one of the most interesting engagements that taught me a lot. Once again, active listening and observing were vital to the success of our mission. My medical director was flawless except she came across as cold, appeared uninterested in what other had to say and sounded too technical. I watched as tempers started to rise and decided to text her on her mobile device to alert her about her next moves in order to get the crowd on her side. I simply stated that eye contact must be maintained. When someone from the group spoke, I instructed her to nod her head to show that she was listening to them and to allow them to speak before responding to their question or concern. I even alerted her when to smile or agree with something that had been said. She was very successful and provided the most accurate information. Some of the anti-vaxxers accepted the data, but those that came to be agitators didn't accept it but were unable to cause any disturbances because of the professionalism of our speakers at the event. It wasn't an easy task because I had to listen twice as hard in order to give my boss the right steps to follow. In all future events, she excelled and learned how to be an active listener and to observe and interpret non-verbal language.


Establishing the habit of active listening can have many positive impacts on your life. In relationships, active listening may allow you to understand the point of view of another person and respond with empathy. It also allows the opportunity to ask questions to make sure you understand what has been shared. The best part is that it validates the speaker and makes them want to share more with you. Being an active listener in a relationship means that you recognise that the conversation is more about your partner than about you. This is an important fact when your partner may be distressed. Great active listening helps us to be less likely to jump in with a quick fix when the other person really just wants to be heard and nothing more. If you are in a relationship with a narcissist, don't expect any empathy or for them to listen to you without using it against you.


At work, active listening is important if you are in a supervisory position or interact with colleagues. Active listening allows you to understand problems and collaborate to develop solutions. It also reflects your patience, a valuable skill in any workplace.


In social situations, active listening will benefit you as you meet new people. Asking questions, seeking clarification, and watching body language are all ways to learn more about the people whom you meet. When you listen actively, the other person is also likely to speak to you for a longer time. This makes active listening one of the best ways to turn acquaintances into friends.


Here are a few helpful tips for practicing active listening:


  • Make eye contact while the other person speaks. You should aim for eye contact about 60 to 70% of the time while you are listening as opposed to looking at your phone or your watch. Avoid folding your arms as this signal you are not listening and may be bored.
  • Summarise what has been said rather than offering unsolicited advice or opinions.
  • Don't interrupt while the other person is talking. Never prepare your reply while the other persons speaking. It's an insult.
  • Observe nonverbal behaviour to pick up on hidden meanings, in addition to listening to what is said. Remember, facial expressions, tone of voice and other behaviours can often tell you more than words alone.
  • You can show interest by asking questions to clarify what is said. Ask open-ended questions to encourage a deeper conversation.
  • Never change the subject, it will make the person talking believe that you were not listening at all.
  • Try to be non-judgemental while listening.
  • Patience is truly golden. We can sometimes listen faster than others can speak.

So, are you a good active listener in your relationship, with your friends, in your family, with your co-workers, with your children or even with your pets? 


My challenge for you is to observe what's happening around you. Even during the age of COVID, I see couples taking walks together, just like before, nothing has changed. They are still walking or sitting and having a lovely coffee together staring into the face of their mobile phones. From where I am standing, there is no listening or talking to each other. My mask could be blocking my view but I only see misery on the faces of so many couples.


I would love to hear your active listening experiences.








Sunday, June 14, 2020

Planning Successful Community Engagements

For the past 20 years, Promotions West has been working to engage corporations, government institutions and community-based organisations to understand how to connect with priority populations or as what they use to be called, communities of colour. Today we call it community engagement which can include anything from the development of social marketing or media campaigns, advertising, community outreach, ethnographic research or simply WOM, short for word of mouth connections.

One of the key ingredients in the recipe of working with specific populations is to develop and build trust. Over the years, priority communities have been raped by outsiders entering their communities offering gift cards and sandwiches for an invaluable amount of information on how they could make the community a better place to live and be healthy. In reality, many never returned once information was gathered and used, but not to benefit the audience answering all the questions and sharing great ideas. Why? Well, if you are a person of colour you will understand that this has been the norm for many years. It's called the old bait and switch game. Soon, those needing that information became wiser and started hiring people who looked like someone from the community they were attempting to reach.

What were the results? Same results, no one ever returned or helped to improve anything at all. Today, community members and stake holders are much smarter and aware of the games to rob them of their brilliant ideas. As a result, it's much harder to get into communities, regardless of what you look like or sound like. The secret is to be genuine when you go into any community. If not, you will be seen as a fake. Stakeholders and community members can smell fakes a mile away, trust me. The first few times you visit a community practice active listening to hear and to listen to what community members desire. Community stakeholders will tell you everything you need to create a successful campaign but most people don't listen. I have often shared my philosophy of the way we do business at Promotions West and it's simple. We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak. It's important to be able to read non-verbal body language in the room at all times.

At Promotions West we have developed a guide to help organisations reach African Americans or Black populations. We are in the process of updating that guide to include reaching the Latinx communities. The guide is free and can be downloaded from the Promotions West website. We are in the process of developing a checklist to help community-based organisations to have a better understanding of how to drive their own communications campaign without being told what to do by outsiders smiling and offering them funding. From our years of experience working with priority communities all over the country, we have noticed that organisations apply and receive funding to create social marketing or social media campaigns and/or events to their populations. The checklist is being designed to assist agencies to consider specific items before launching a campaign. The checklist is being designed to reaching African American, Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, and Transgender communities.

COVID-19 has been influential in how we all do business now. Across the country, communications with priority communities has failed because those communities always receive information as an afterthought. Many communities feel that it's on purpose. For every single disease, priority communities or people of colour remain at the top of the list. Just to name a few would include breast cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung cancer, asthma, HIV, coronavirus, and infant mortality rate to name a few. COVID-19 is providing us with an opportunity to redesign how we conduct business across the board.

At Promotions West we are in the process of creating public relations and marketing workshops designed to equip organizations with the tools to strategically develop their communications and project plans in reaching priority communities. Remember, ethnic media is an essential partner to engage when reaching out priority audiences.

As our audiences change, engagement can be achieved through social media networks such as Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Snap Chat, TikTok, YouTube, Vimeo and blogging. A good way to organize your social media activities is by using Hootsuite, an all-encompassing app to promote your messages easier. There are a variety of similar apps that can also be used. We facilitate sessions with small to medium-sized organizations about social media and how to get started. Usually Promotions West will create social marketing pages, develop social media templates for key stories and events and develop a timeline with clear dates. After 3 to 6 months, agencies or organizations will feel comfortable taking the lead. It's our goal to educate, demonstrate and provide the tools for agencies to take the leadership role. 

Here are some helpful tips to reaching your audience:

Getting Started:

  • After discussion with team members, identify who you are trying to reach and why.
  • Define the project.
  • List your goals and objectives.
  • Brainstorm on creative ways to reach your audience.
  • Develop a clear message that you want to deliver to your audience.
  • Identify the amount of money that you are able to spend on this project.
  • List any ideas on ways to promote the message (WOM-Word of Mouth, Outdoor Advertising, Radio, Television, Print, Outdoor Advertising, promotional items, mall advertising, community events, digital or via community outreach workers).
  • Evaluation is key - Consider ways that will tell you that your project or campaign was successful
  • Do you just want numbers of people reached so that you can check the box or are you interested in the impact on a community?

If you are unfamiliar with your audience, it may be helpful to conduct a community assessment or an ethnographic study of the audience that you are interested in reaching.  

You may: 

  • Search for the meaning of social and cultural norms and views.
  • Find reasons for the use of certain behaviours or practices.
  • Examine social trends and instances like divorce, illnesses, etc.
  • Examine social interactions and encounters.
  • Better understand the roles of families, relationships, and organisations.
  • Outline the areas where your audience is living.
  • What is the make-up of the various communities? (Ages, Education, Countries people may be from or Regions of the country).
  • Acknowledge the similarities and differences.
  • Ascertain how your audience get their information or receive news.
  • Develop a list community cultural events, fairs or potential community engagement events and plan on participating in those events.
  • Include staff and board members in all discussions.

Goals and Objectives:

Before creating an event, you should develop a list of goals and objectives. Responding to the following questions will assist you in focusing on your event:

  • What is the purpose of your event or campaign?
  • What are the benefits for the community?
  • What results or outcomes do you expect or desire?
  • Is media coverage needed and why?
  • How will the event be evaluated?

Active listening is extremely important to remember when working with communities. Often, we tend to not ask the people that we are trying to reach what they want and what are the best ways to reach them. Then we are disappointed when no one shows up or like the services provided. 

Remember, communities come together around food and family activities and share information with other community members. Don't make the mistake of thinking that communities don't engage with other communities. Everyone connects or intermarry with other groups of people and share information with each other. It will be beneficial in promoting your efforts.

The Promotions West guide will provide you with a number of ideas to be successful in reaching priority communities. Interested in more information about reaching priority communities, please contact us at info@promotionswest.com. Stay tuned, we are working on finalising the communications checklist that will be downloadable at no cost.


Saturday, April 11, 2020

Working From Home

For over 15 years I have worked from home doing my own business in Public Relations and Marketing and I have never been happier. But there is another side to being at home all day. Most of my friends and colleagues feel that it would be fun to pretend to be working, watching movies, staying in their pajamas  and eating lots of junk food. Over the years we have had many conversations about working from home vs. working in an office each day. Let's face it, there are types that need to be in an office to feel productive, but for me it hampered my productivity.

Now with COVID-19 sweeping the land and making it mandatory for millions of people to stay in place and work from home, it has become quite a challenge. Many of my friends who are on the front lines working as nurses, doctors, hotel staff and those on the front lines tell me how happy they are to be able to leave home to go to work because their partners or spouses are driving them insane, not to mention if children are involved and stuck at home from school. Wouldn't it be great if everyone had that option available?

Since there is no choice at this time, I wanted to share a few helpful tips on preparing to work from home now and always. It you are single or with a partner, it can be less difficult to set up. Having children can force extra planning and organising activities for your children while you are working inside the house.

There are a few important tips to getting started with working from home:

  • Setting up a work station in your home. The size of your living area does not matter. If you are sharing space, your work station could be in a corner of your bedroom with your computer and necessary supplies on a small table or desk.
  • A computer is needed. It can be a lap top or a desktop computer that is up to date on the latest applications.
  • When starting your day, think work. Do the normal things that you would do if you were preparing to go to work. Wake up early, take a shower, get dressed, and focus on the way you look. Chances are many of your meetings each day will be through video conferencing and you want to look as professional as possible.
  • Prepare your breakfast as you normally prepare for the day. If you are a coffee or tea drinker, prepare your morning beverage to kick start your morning.
  • Develop a work plan the night before so that you can hit the ground running with tasks that need to be done today, such as phone calls that need to be made, reports that need to be written or any other documents. It's also helpful to create a project plan to serve as a roadmap for all the things that you need to do. The plan will provide you with a clear vision of when things are due, what tasks are needed to accomplish them and if you are working with others on a particular project.
  • There are a number of excellent free project management tools that can be used to help you organise your day, week or month. A few of the ones that I have utilised include: Trello, Asana, Monday and Teamwork, but there are many good ones available.
  • Make sure you schedule work breaks and lunch breaks to so that you will have time to regroup or re-energize from your work day. Exercising or meditating is also a good way to take care of yourself. It's important that you have a nutritious lunch each day.
  • Being organised is key. At the end of your day or before you start working is a good time to review your calendar and upcoming tasks, rating their importance on a scale of 1 to 5. Try to keep good notes of what things will need followup.
  • And finally, try to have fun and laugh as much as possible.
You may want to avoid a few naughty habits such as:

  • Staying in your pajamas all day and not taking a shower or brushing your teeth. Your online presence will be noticed by others.  
  • Watching television instead of working.
  • Waiting until the last minute to review documents that will be discussed online with your colleagues.

Friday, February 21, 2020

Developing a Communications Plan

With a very serious face, a colleague walked up to me after a community event and asked me how to do a communications plan. I am sure that the look on my face was that of surprise. For over 20 years, I have been working in the area of public relations and marketing doing tons of communication plans, but I truly had to think about it. Interestingly enough, when you do things over and over again you have to stop and think how to explain the process to someone who hasn't done it before. I suggested reading a book or going online but that was not a very satisfying response and they kept holding on to my arm. Like the saying, it's like riding a bike, you never forget, unless you have never been on a bike before. That's my drive today for writing a post on developing a communications plan. It also got me thinking of other ideas to help companies and organisations in their campaign or project planning.

A communications plan is a document that details what you are trying to achieve, who is your priority audiences to reach, how you will reach them and how you plan on disseminating your message. It's important to have a clear communications plan for your business or project. The plan serves as a strategic road map that shows where you are going and how you will get there. It's key to include team members and community stakeholders in the process. Active listening is essential when planning campaigns or projects. 

The following is a list of steps that should be included when preparing your communications plan:

Mission Statement
  • Tell about the mission of the agency or organisation

Organisational Information
  • This is an opportunity to share information about the organisation and talk about the work that is being done, what you want to do in the future, and share some of your accomplishments in the work that you are doing. 

Who do you serve:
  • An opportunity to talk about the audiences that your agency or organisation is serving. It may also be helpful to share why you serve them.

Priority Audiences:
  • Provide information about the audiences that you want to reach with your campaign or project. Many organisations are funded to reach, for example, the Asian/Pacific Islander, African American, Latino, Elderly, Female, Male, Youth, LGBTQ or Transgender community. It's extremely important to be familiar with the communities you are planning to reach. 
Goals & Objectives
  • After conducting a series of team meetings, develop a clear list of goals and objectives to be successful with your campaign or community engagement efforts.
  • What are the necessary steps to reaching your goals and objectives. When working with organisations I often encourage team members make a list of all the steps needed to reach the goals of the communications plan. Many items on the list could be combined after much discussion and review.
Key Messages:
  • This section is necessary for a great campaign. It's important to create key messages that the community can relate to and take action. It truly helps if trust has been created over time with communities that you want to reach with your campaign. 
  • It's key to involve stakeholders, community members and your team in an open and honest discussion about the key messages without judgement. Your audience(s) will always tell you what is needed, how to create and position messages and the best places to project those messages to get their attention.
  • The biggest mistake made by corporations and organisations is not being willing to include the people they hope to reach in their marketing efforts. Community forums or conducting paid focus groups with your priority audiences is a great way to have authentic discussions and receive honest feedback on key messages.
Communication Methods:
  • In your plan, list the type of communication methods that will be utilised to promote your social marketing, media campaign or community engagement event. Most people today use all types of social media networks to promote campaigns. There are also other avenues that can be used like outdoor advertising, bus and subway promotions, bus
    shelters, inside bus ads, advertising with with Uber or Lyft cars, etc. There is also point of sales or POS advertising with community or neighbourhood businesses. Once again, knowing your community well provides lots of information that will help to shape your communications plan and the actual promotion.
  • There are many ways to promote your campaign that most people are aware of today. For example, there is radio, television, earned media, sponsorships, cable networks, print media, billboards, mall advertising, press releases, cultural events, media interviews, banner/display ads, and most importantly through word of mouth (WOM).
  • Conducting an ethnographic study is also an excellent way to learn about a population that you don't know very well. The information that returns from such a study will provide the corporation or organisation with a tremendous amount of information to tell where people go for fun, what makes them happy, about their values and also if they will be interested in what you may be promoting. It can also give one a better perception of who the audience is and what's important to them and their families.
  • Tools - If you are developing promotional items, try to discover what gifts or collateral will catch the attention of your priority communities. Try not to waste money on useless items that get tossed in the trash. Promotional items should be the latest model of materials that can be used and appreciated.
Roll Out of Campaign:
  • This section will highlight how the campaign will be rolled out to the priority communities. What will you do that is different to get media attention and the attention of your audience? Ask yourself, what will make my campaign different from others?

  • Sometimes people call this part the necessary evil that can slow the process down. Most organisations feel there just isn't enough money to do all the wonderful things that they want to do. Try not to dwell on that fact, but use the funds that you have and do the best you can do to create a positive campaign. With many clients I have created quarterly sections within a plan that may alleviate stress and allow you to create priorities.

  • The purpose of evaluation is to identify effectiveness of the event, staff, and community partners. It also provides:
    • Assessment of how well your objectives matched the needs of your priority audience
    • Determination of whether or not you achieved your objectives and goals
    • Documentation that the objectives were achieved
    • Discovery of the challenges, barriers and best practices for the future
    • Detection of what worked well, what didn't work well and why it didn't work
    • Lessons learned to improve future events or projects
If you start with these items, you will be well on your way to starting your communications plan. Have a question, feel free to send us a note at Promotions West at info@promotionswest.com.

Mikael Wagner is the Principal & Communications Director with Promotions West
San Francisco • Washington, DC • Melbourne, Australia

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Crisis Communications

When is the right time to plan for a crisis? Probably before it's staring you in the face.

So often in my marketing classes students were told, "Failing to Plan is a Plan to Fail." I can remember rolling my eyes every time the professor drove this crisis management vehicle into our heads.

Most organizations or agencies often don't believe that they need a crisis plan until having a strategic discussion of all the things that could happen. Organizations or celebrities at one time or another may be faced with a crisis of some degree. When a crisis strikes, communications is critical to protecting the organizations reputation, brand and ability to fulfill its mission.

A great way to get started with your clients or with your board members is to conduct an activity that is often used called "What Could Go Wrong?" The activity is a great opportunity to share ideas of real disasters and sometimes not so real ones that could affect an organization's brand. All disasters can be placed on post it notes and placed on a board for all to review. Once reviewed and discussed, members can decide which concerns are potential disasters and ways to handle it.

Regardless of the crisis, there are a few steps that should be developed in a crisis communications plan and followed. Those steps include:

  • Identifying your crisis communications team
  • Develop a 24/7 call down list of all members of the team
  • Conduct a crisis assessment
  • Identify audiences (stakeholders, media, etc.)Develop partnerships / relationships
  • Identify and train key spokespersons 
  • Develop your crisis management messages or talking points

Once the plan has been written and approved, there is a 9-step Crisis Cycle that may be helpful: 
  • Conduct a crisis assessment
  • Verify the situation
  • Conduct notification
  • Activate the crisis plan
  • Organize assignments
  • Prepare information and obtain approvals
  • Release information to media, public and partners through arranged channels
  • Obtain feedback and conduct crisis evaluation
  • Conduct public education
  • Monitor events
The most important communications advice during a crisis is to be honest at all times and provide the media with constant updates, even if there is no information available. Otherwise the media may assume that you are hiding something.

Here are some of the worse crises of 2018 and 2019:

  • Boeing 737 Max Crisis
  • Pharma's Opioid Problem
  • Gun Violence & the Politicization of the Market Place
  • H&M Coolest Monkey in the Jungle Campaign
  • Uber's Racism and Sexual Scandal
  • San Francisco Laguna Honda Hospital's abuse to the Elderly
  • Melanie Trump's Border Visit
  • Facebook Data Scandal
  • Donald Trump creates a new scandal daily filled with lies, racism & corruption

Can you think of an organization or celebrity who displayed a great crisis plan? Can you think of those who demonstrated terrible  plans? What crisis stands out in your mind today? 

For more information or assistance with your crisis management plan, contact us at Promotions West.